
Covenant Kids Congo
Pray. Hope. Act
We sponsor a number of children from Congo and we invite you to do the same. Contact us or the Evangelical Covenant Church headquarters at (covenantkidscongo@covchurch.org).
For any questions related to your sponsored child, call (800) 647-9770. For any other questions/concerns, call (773) 596-2489.

Banquet of Blessing and Snack Pack Bags
We have a food pantry available with many non-perishable foods and goods. From paper towels to cake mixes, we keep this room stocked for those who need items for their pantry.
Our “Snack Pack” bag ministry helps families with kids by providing snacks for 5 days of the week. A bag for each child includes 5 breakfast items, 5 quick lunch items, and 10 snack items.
These services are for anyone who is food insecure, so please contact the church for more information if you would like to donate or if you need them.

Covenant World Relief
Covenant World Relief has been the Evangelical Covenant Church’s response to human suffering and injustice in the world for more than 60 years. Through disaster relief and community development, we partner in the transformation of individuals, families, and communities. Our mission is to join God in loving, serving, and working together with the poor, the powerless, and the marginalized.
Relief is immediate assistance in times of natural or human-made disaster by providing water, shelter, and food.
Transformational Development is working with communities and families as they help themselves through micro-enterprise, micro-finance, sustainable water development, community health initiatives, agriculture, and sustainable food programs.

Guatemala Playground Project
Several members of the church are involved with obtaining, loading, storing, and transporting used municipal playgrounds for export to Christian ministries throughout Guatemala.
Used playgrounds and swing sets are donated by municipalities in Connecticut and stored in a 40-foot sea container in Thomaston prior to shipping to Puerto San Tomas in Guatemala. The container then is trucked to a ministry site for distribution. Ministries share in the pro-rata costs of shipping and customs. Ministries in Guatemala then reinstall the playgrounds for their “new life” in Central America.
Each sea container holds four to six playgrounds, which will be enjoyed by an average of more than 150 children per playground.
You do not need to be a member of the church to become involved. Email the church (covenantchurch@covchurchthomaston.org) and a member of the Playground Project will contact you with details!

If you have more questions about us, just ask. We will get back to you as soon as we can.