September Message From Jay Fredlund, Search Committee: Welcome Pastor Stephanie Nelson

Hello everyone! At a special church meeting on August 20 our church overwhelmingly voted to call Ms. Stephanie Nelson as our next pastor!

She’s excited. . . we are excited. It’s been almost a two-year road to arrive at extending that “call” to Stephanie and her immediate written (electronic signature – hey, it’s 2023!) acceptance that same afternoon of the 20th.

As you may know, the Pastor Search Committee reviewed over 70 profiles of prospective pastors. We interviewed a couple of pastors twice each via ZOOM, and at least a couple of others once via ZOOM. During the first call with Stephanie, we felt we had someone special. . . . and we did!

So, we had three ZOOM calls with her and brought her to Thomaston several weeks ago for a confidential three day visit with just the committee so we could get to know her and vice-versa. And then she came to “candidate” during the August 13th church service!

We expect that she will join us here in Thomaston to minister to our community by late October.
Thank you for your prayers!

Jay Fredlund, Search Committee Chair

Picture of update

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