April Message From Pastor Gary “What Comes Next?”

I was recently asked, “What comes next?”

What a wonderful question! Wonderful, because it means we are visualizing change happening around us. “What comes next?” means that, not only do we see and feel change, but we are also excited and curious about our next steps.

When I took the position of “Interim to the Interim,” I let it be known that I had three things in mind: to lead, to care, and to teach. I have tried to lead to the best of my abilities, even when it met resistance. I have called or visited with most of our active and many of our inactive members. And I have tried to be creative and pertinent in my Advent, Proverbs, Questions, and Lenten series of sermons.

Now that I have been appointed as the “permanent Interim,” I can offer my answer to the question, “What comes next?”

I start with the understanding that this next step really is a process rather than just a step. I think we need to focus upon strengthening our spiritual foundations. We need to be united as we look deeply into our collective soul and remember who we are and what we value. I believed that we are, have been, and seek to be a “CARING CHURCH.” I think we may have drifted away from this and that, going forward, we need to reclaim the idea that being a CARING CHURCH is in our spiritual DNA.

So, going forward, WE, as a united church, will concentrate on three things:

  1. TO CARE. Caring for each other means that WE visit; WE feed; WE call, WE forgive, and WE pray for each other.
  2. TO GROW AS A CHURCH. We will continue to be a church that grows in THE WORD. This means Bible Studies – Discipleship Programs – Prayer Groups – Being examples to others, It’s time we took responsibility for our own spiritual growth.
    Plus, growing in the Word will lead to growing in numbers.
  3. TO SERVE. Ministries with an outward focus for others will give us a stronger vision and sense of mission. We can give thanks for our blessings by caring for others.
    I said from the beginning, “Let’s just make it through Easter. Then we will have a better handle on where we are and where we are heading.” Well, HAPPY EASTER! Through his guidance, we move forward!
    In Christ, Pastor Gary
Picture of update

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